Thursday, March 8, 2007

Blood Donation

First of all i would give sincere gratitude to my friends for their appreciation of my newly found addiction of blog writing activity. I find the same iginition in them also and hope they will also fell prey to this addiction.

This sunday my incessant desire to do some noble job took shape when i got the opportunity to donate blood. This always been my principle, since I'm not that affluent I can help others only through my body and ideas but not with nest egg of my family. It was a time rise from those small altruistic deeds.

Just with the thought of donating blood my ecstacy knew no bound. I was on seventh heaven when my freind informed me that I really have got a chance to proove myself. But at the same time I became dubious whether the guy genuiningly needs my blood. So the family members of the pateint had to face my silly questions. Hope they didn't irritate them much. I also asked them to show the patient. He was 27 year old guy, crouched in his green bed. The colour itself spells the condition of a patient. He had been operated in Mumbai and was suffering from extreme weakness and needed blood for three consecutive days. I was to be his saviour for one day.

I went to blood bank. After initial check up I was asked to lie down. Needle was pierced in to my viens and I was asked to pump out blood. The whole process just took two minutes. But it wasn't as comfortable as I had assumed. As soon as I left the bed, everything was completly dark. I was about to faint. So i had to lie down on that green bed once again. I realised that sleak, alender figure is not everything you desire. At times some weight is essential to fullfill your passion. I was allright after 10 mins.

This was my experience. The feeling of ecstacy overwhelmed me. I have also become life saviour. Its an achievement for me. This was to feed my inner conscience. You feel even greater when you find others jittery, jim-jamed even with this white knuckled thought of blood donation. This was indeed an arduous act at least considering the fact that I haven't done anything greater than this. I experienced a bit of pride and greatness which mothers must be feeling who are the reason for genesis of life. A sense of responsbility engulfs you. You stop those damaging activities that might affect the reciepant of your blood.

Its a life time experience and everyone must give it a try and have a feeling of a knight in shining armour.