Thursday, March 8, 2007

Blood Donation

First of all i would give sincere gratitude to my friends for their appreciation of my newly found addiction of blog writing activity. I find the same iginition in them also and hope they will also fell prey to this addiction.

This sunday my incessant desire to do some noble job took shape when i got the opportunity to donate blood. This always been my principle, since I'm not that affluent I can help others only through my body and ideas but not with nest egg of my family. It was a time rise from those small altruistic deeds.

Just with the thought of donating blood my ecstacy knew no bound. I was on seventh heaven when my freind informed me that I really have got a chance to proove myself. But at the same time I became dubious whether the guy genuiningly needs my blood. So the family members of the pateint had to face my silly questions. Hope they didn't irritate them much. I also asked them to show the patient. He was 27 year old guy, crouched in his green bed. The colour itself spells the condition of a patient. He had been operated in Mumbai and was suffering from extreme weakness and needed blood for three consecutive days. I was to be his saviour for one day.

I went to blood bank. After initial check up I was asked to lie down. Needle was pierced in to my viens and I was asked to pump out blood. The whole process just took two minutes. But it wasn't as comfortable as I had assumed. As soon as I left the bed, everything was completly dark. I was about to faint. So i had to lie down on that green bed once again. I realised that sleak, alender figure is not everything you desire. At times some weight is essential to fullfill your passion. I was allright after 10 mins.

This was my experience. The feeling of ecstacy overwhelmed me. I have also become life saviour. Its an achievement for me. This was to feed my inner conscience. You feel even greater when you find others jittery, jim-jamed even with this white knuckled thought of blood donation. This was indeed an arduous act at least considering the fact that I haven't done anything greater than this. I experienced a bit of pride and greatness which mothers must be feeling who are the reason for genesis of life. A sense of responsbility engulfs you. You stop those damaging activities that might affect the reciepant of your blood.

Its a life time experience and everyone must give it a try and have a feeling of a knight in shining armour.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Elwyn Broooks White

"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Self Criticism

Like a general novice writer my thoughts are not organised.I always deviate from the main topic. Also, I don't have agility to embellish my manuscript. So, most of you would find it oscitant. I also lack aplomb of stage. Those punctilious eyes, searching for even smallest errors, scare me. You must be thinking that my opprobrium is rather harsh and the guy is frustrated with his weaknesses. But i admit that you all are corrct. But I find ways to convince myself that I'm not that bad.
In case of my inability to perform on stage I say to myself that I can't rape the audience as others do. One of my good freind remarked me "why do you contempt yourself?" but i just can't stop this. "The Almighty" had created this being similar to extremly
powerfull Herculese, He-man, other successfull orators and conqueres of public attention. But I have ruined his creation. I have created many mental blockages for myself. I can't do this, I can't do that.
All the motivational books like "How to think big", "Monk who sold his Ferrari" have been written for people like me. But they don't appeal to me. I'm vexed with people's obsession to etch their name on each mile stone they pass by. They take extreme pleasure in observing the road passing at great pace in their rear view mirror. My views are a bit different. I just want to live my life in a very poised manner, enjoying whatever "The Almighty" keeps in my way. Those books confuse me. They ask to achieve both success and mental
peace. For me these are two poles. I can't have both. Either I can run to fullfill my dreams or can sit calmly and relish the creations of "The Almighty".

My request to anyone who comes across this post. Please help me out of this
confused state....

Monday, January 29, 2007

My First Blog

After having ambivalent feeling for more than two years, I gave the writer within a final call and decided to pen down my thoughts.
I got inspiration from my friends who are regular to this space and use it effectively for epressing their thoughts.But the biggest doubt i had was tht who is going to read my blogs.
But the benefits associated with this activity overtook this underlying problem.After having cultivated the habit of reading in myself in these two years,it was essential to pour out somewhere this gained knowledge . And these blogs are the best place to express my views as for now I can't sit with pen and dairy in my hand. The time spent on internet has almost crippled me. Now I've started forgetting hoe to write with pen.My fingers now know only how to type,not how to hold pen and paper.
I would try to be regular to this space and this is not like new year resolution as its for my own personal development.
Hope I've not irritated you,the readers most probably one or at max two. But that isn't going to affect me. Because I've stopped seeing my reflection in others eyes. I'm not a prisoner of past but architect of my future.