Monday, January 4, 2010

Next to Bangalore

I don't remember what choice I had filled for preferred job location after training, but when the print out was put on the bulletin board it showed "Gurgaon". Had I been a far sighted person I would have been very elated with this allocation the reason being the proximity to my hometown. But, I've have always followed others through out my life how could this be an exception. So, I followed my smart friends who had been allotted "Bangalore" as per thier choice. I asked the HR department to change the location and it was done. The reason for coming to Bangalore - it had greater oppurtunities (job openings in other companies) for not working in Aricent.
After coming here I realized I'm not made for living far off from my home. I kept on cursing myself for making this decision. Because of recession the so called oppurtunities were also absent. At this time my college friends and the project assigned at office gave some respite.
Now something about the project.It was really a good one where there was extensive use of object orient concept and the best part was analysis which I loved to do. It gave me instant popularity among my team mates and reporting manager. Soon I was a recognised team member. The first time my manager patted my back, it felt like heaven. I really started enjoying the work and importance.
The other part of the story, the compensation I recieved seemed to be very small to me. Although it was sufficient for many others but for me not enough. The reason might be my family commitments, life style etc. I felt very bad when my friends used to pay for my drinks. The so called oppurtunities also started coming up and my Aricent friends switched to some other companies drawing hefty packages. This made my compensation look even smaller. I also followed the suit and switched my employer just for the compensation thinking that they would ask me to do something challenging where my grey cells would be thoroughly teseted. But this assumption appeared to be false.